2023 Tour Films.



Follows international mountain runner Georgia Tindley on as she attempts to find balance between work, life and training at a professional level.

Georgia is an English teacher and finds inspiration and recovery time in the books she reads. A short, fun and inspirational film.

Guardians of the Underworld


A short film following 21 year old climbing prodigy Emma Powell, her passion for dry tooling and her evolution into ice climbing.

Watch as she attempts to become the first British woman to climb D12 on Guardians of the Underground, one of the hardest drytooling routes in the country.

The film explores Emma’s drytooling career, what its like competing at the top end of the sport and the community that surrounds and motivates her.

With the Seasons.


A Scottish climbing film following Inverness based climber Callum Johnson’s attempt to climb grade 8 across the four climbing disciplines over the course of a year.

This is a film about hard climbing, but more than anything is a story about what it takes to push your personal limits, about setting goals and about balancing passion and life.

The Martin Moran Round


The Martin Moran Round follows Staff nurse Robin Downie’s attempt to create a new running round in the Torridon Hills, NW Scotland. The route is 90km with over 9,000m of ascent.

His aim is to raise money and awareness for The Martin Moran Foundation, an organisation set up after the passing of legendary Scottish mountaineer Martin Moran in 2019 to provide young people with access to the mountains. Martin was a friend and big inspiration to Robin at a young age, so Robin is running in his footsteps.

The Ice Mile.


An exclusive for our Fort William event, The Ice Mile is a film showing both the beauty and adventure in outdoor swimming – chasing those lower temperatures in the cooling winter, community, pushing distance and the body to its limit.

It won the Best Film Silver award at Sheffield Adventure Film Festival and we are extremley excited to be screening it as part of our collection this year. It will screen in place of Guardians and The Martin Moran Round.

A film by Rachel Sarah